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Those Wonderful Lovehandles

Jason Trammell | Sign-Up For Personal Fitness & In-Home Training Through Out the Portland, Oregon Metro Area

Those Wonderful Lovehandles

Love handles, why do we call them that anyway? Can think of a single person who loves theirs? Now, how can we get rid of this old lover? Well, I hate to break it to you, but if you're looking for a quick, easy way to obliterate those rolls around your waist, you're going to be sorely disappointed. We can not simply spot reduce; that is, there are no miracle exercises or pills that will allow you to melt fat off specific areas of your body.

However, there are certain exercises, habits and lifestyle changes you can adopt to get rid of those unsightly fat deposits. As a personal trainer, I have help many men reduce and/or rid their grabbers. Read on to find my approach and training guild lines.

I will educate you on diet while training you. To get rid of those love handles you'll first want to start working on your diet by reading the food labels at your grocery store. You want to avoid certain kinds of fat. The fats to avoid are saturated fat and trans fatty acids. Saturated fats are found in most animal products like dairy and meat, while trans fatty acids are found in foods that have “hydrogenated oils” in them. I can teach you how to read labels and avoid these fats.

Sodium, you should cut it totally out of your diet. Sodium, which can be found in table salt, seasonings, soups, condiments, and many other prepared foods, is not just bad because it raises your risk of heart disease and stroke. It also leads to water retention, which can make problem areas like the gut and love handles seem even more prominent. Reduce your consumption of sodium rich processed foods, and avoid adding salt to the foods you prepare yourself.

Avoid starchy foods like potatoes, rice, breads, and cereals are all good for you, do not
get me wrong, as with anything in life, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. These foods (high-glycerin foods) are good for you if you're working out a lot, but tend to be stored as body fat if you don't burn the calories. I will teach you how to eat these foods correctly and what time of the day you could eat them.

Frankly, if you're serious about getting rid of love handles, you need to start getting a workout.
Strength training is the most tempting place to begin for a lot of men, which is a good thing, Building muscle and toning that muscle helps your body burn calories more efficiently, even when you're just sitting around. Lets book your appointment with me today.

Although working on your abs is a must in the quest to eliminate love handles, you can also create the illusion of having a smaller midsection by bulking up your shoulders, pectoral muscles and biceps. There is a wide range of exercises you can perform for these different muscle groups, one of which is the lat pull downs. I have been helping men in the Portland area to loose their handles and can do the same for you.

For people who are quite serious about losing love handles, nothing beats a good aerobic exercise regiment. Sure, bigger and stronger muscles burn calories more efficiently, but you need to be working those big muscles if you want them to eat up calories. I will also place you on a cardio routine as well. When you book in with me, you get the whole package, diet, cardio, education and weight training.

  • Do crunches
Although increasing the amount of muscle in the abdominal region will help reduce the appearance of love handles, keep in mind that spot reduction doesn't work. You can do all the crunches in the world, but they'll most likely be useless if you don't do any cardiovascular exercise and eat properly, as mentioned.

That being said, there are a number of exercises that target your oblique abs and love handles more specifically. I will be working closely with you to make sure you do these in proper form, so that you get the maximum benefit.

  • Drink water
You've probably heard it a million times before, and it's true: You should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Not only does it help reduce water retention caused by excess sodium, but water also helps the body metabolize stored fat into energy and suppresses the appetite. All these factors can help reduce your love handles.

If you really want to see results, why not book in with me today? Working together, we can melt your love handles away.


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